Saturday, September 7, 2024

Speaking of pages ...

 I used to have a page called "WUV" which stood for What's Up Vancouver. It was subtitled:

Fun Stuff to Do Around Town

With the following explanation:

This is in no way an exhaustive list of things to do. This just represents the things that appeal to me. And, frankly, it's all about me anyway.

I still keep it up in a manner of speaking only now the events are those that take place in and around Coachella Valley and there's no link to the page from Chocolate Chip Mint (other than this one). One thing remains the same: it's still about me. 

I'm thinking about revitalizing the page, changing the name, and updating the links. I love to explore what the valley has to offer in the way of restaurants, events, things to do. People often ask, "How do you know all this stuff?" I guess because that's what interests me, that's what I look for on websites, in the newspaper, and on social media. These are the things I put on my own calendar. That doesn't necessarily mean I go to all these things but I like to know what's going on and I like to have that at my fingertips for when the inevitable question come up, "What should we do tonight (or this weekend)?"

Let me know if you have an idea for the name. CV Happenings? That might lead you to the Community Calendar for Coachella Valley Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (which is an interesting website if you're interested in the workings of an HOA). 

How about "S'up CV?" for What's up Coachella Valley? 

I tried searching for "Around CV" and got a lot of information about constant velocity axle boots and I've had enough of that this year!

Maybe a take on the words "desert" or "cactus" or "hot." 

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Well there is always Chocolate Chip Cactus to consider….

Anonymous said...

A few years back the convention & visitors bureau started to use the term Greater Palm Springs to brand the Coachella Valley, so possibly GPS Happenings or Discover GPS Love reading your posts.