Monday, August 5, 2024

Either way, it's hot.

 First thing this morning, I opened my weather app and saw the high was only going to be 99°F today. I say "only" because that's COOL for us this time of year. It would feel marvelous to be able to go outside anytime after dawn and actually enjoy being outside. We could even consider sitting a spell in the shade. With an outdoor misting system, it would be absolute heaven.

In the app, I scrolled down and saw temps would stay below 100 for the foreseeable future. I thought to myself, "What a relief!" I started shopping for new running shoes and plotting a training routine to prepare for a half marathon coming up in January. I wondered if I could also train for a 100-mile bike ride in March (because "overboard" is my default speed). I'd been going the gym or doing laps in the pool and I was ready to get outside and on land.

It's a little early in the season to start thinking about training for long distances in the summer desert but I was encouraged by the lower than average seasonal temps.

Then, in the next moment, I realized I was looking at temperatures for the city where my brother lives.

Which is not where I live.

First thing this morning, he was probably looking at the same weather information and thinking about how HOT it was going to be, converting his routine of being outside to being in the gym or in swimming in the lake near his home, quite the opposite of what I was strategizing.

Sadly, we are both stuck inside for the foreseeable future. Here, today's high will be 112°F. Additionally, we are under an Excessive Heat Warning and have been since since July 1 almost continuously. We will likely remain under an Excessive Heat Warning roughly through the end of August.

Looking at my weather app again, it looks like it's hot everywhere.

Everywhere except Copenhagen. 

Maybe I should look at taking a trip.

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