Sunday, January 29, 2012

Danger Lurks

I just poured black coffee into a black cup in the dark. It takes skill so I encourage you to not try this at home.

Yesterday, I finally got around to cleaning the apartment and I might consider recommending that you also do not try this without aid of a trained professional. Especially, if it's been a while since you've done this.

It was dangerous and I'm quite grateful to have survived it. There were legions of highly trained and sophisticated dust bunnies lurking everywhere and they were formidable. Now, "bunnies" conjures up soft fluffy images which is inaccurate. These were fluffy, all right, but not white. They were a purplish red (or reddish purple - it's hard to tell, they were so elusive) and they were more hairy than fluffy. Hairy, like the monsters you always believed lived under your bed. Turns out it was true.

The battle was prolonged because of their sophistication. Before I started cleaning, they were completely invisible but as soon as I began they were everywhere and I wondered why I hadn't seen them earlier, hiding in plain view. And, they were organized. As I fought the ones before me, others followed behind to surround me.

I may have prevailed but I know it's only temporary. Even as I made progress, I could see some of their smallest soldiers staking out claims on the furniture and preparing to rebuild their armies.

Even as I left, locking the door behind me, I knew that we'd both be back.

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