Monday, March 3, 2025

Stars Matter

I had a dentist appointment on Monday and before I went in, I flossed my teeth. It's sort of like cleaning the house before the housecleaner arrives. But I got chastised last time. The hygienist said she picked meat out of my teeth!

It wasn't meat. It was oatmeal which is what I ate for breakfast that morning. I had brushed my teeth before going but, apparently, I didn't get it all. I could have flossed but I figured she was going to do it less than an hour later so I didn't. I didn't see the sense in torturing my gums twice in rapid succession when it wasn't, in my opinion, necessary.

This time, I brushed, flossed, and used mouthwash before heading to the dentist.

This time, I got praised for my dental hygiene. "Gold star!" they exclaimed.

Why does it still matters to me that I get a good report from my dentist?

Must be the stars.

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