Monday, July 29, 2024

Hot Swappable

 I have two identical coffee machines. I bought the first one at least 20 years ago. It's a discontinued home espresso machine made by Saeco that was marketed by Starbucks for a time. It looks like this.

I loved this machine. Still do. Still using it.

About ten years after I had purchased my first one, I came across an ad on Craigslist, I think it was, for a used one in Portland, Oregon. I don't remember why the seller was selling it but I jumped on the chance to buy it and was willing to pay full price: $75! (I probably paid around $200 for the first one.)

At the time, this was not only a good price but convenient as I was now commuting between two homes and having the same coffee maker was like having a creature comfort in both places. 

Later, when we consolidated back to living in one home, I had a spare. Which, I have never had to use.

Remember, this model is discontinued as are many of its parts. It's irreplaceable. 

Then, one day, I broke it.

I came around the corner of the kitchen to show Hubby the damage and I saw it in his eyes. The fear. The rising panic. The true and certain knowledge that I could - and probably would - melt down.

Until he remembered and said, "It's a good thing we have a hot swappable."

Indeed, I have not missed a single serving of coffee. And, as it turns out, the broken part was just the plastic scoop for measuring beans. 20-25 years old, it held up for a long time but now it was gone.

Good thing I had an extra one.

"Good thing," sighed Hubby.

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