Friday, February 5, 2010

Opening Day

Welcome (officially) to Chocolate Chip Mint, the new-and-improved blog all about me. (Because I am the center of the universe although I'm competing for that title with my Thinking Buddy.)

The web address is ChoChiMi is my abbreviation for Chocolate Chip Mint. I thought that was clever. It makes me grin - and grinning is what ChoChiMi is all about.

Facebook readers may not see recipe posts on FB anymore. I'll post them here. I'll also continue to update back(b)log as that story winds up. (We're almost there.) But back(b)log will no longer feed to my FB posts. I'm only importing ChoChiMi. So if you're still interested in finding out how back(b)log ends, you'll have to get there yourself at

I'm looking forward to having some fun here and sharing it with you.

ChoChiMi on....

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