Sunday, April 14, 2013

1 . . .

This week was a bitch. Thursday, I put in 13 hours at the office and would have stayed all night but my boss made me go home. Friday was only 12 hours which felt like child's play after Thursday and made me feel slightly guilty for only having put in 11 hours a day for most of the last few weeks.

Yesterday, (Saturday, I remind you) I put in another seven but came home to a house full of grand kids which was totally awesome.

Today, I'll go in for a few hours just to touch base with people we haven't heard from yet. (There's a list and we just have to work through it.) But, I slept until 8:30 this morning (with only one 2 am OMG! moment) and I've turned off my alarm clock for tomorrow. 

I still have to file my return but that's it. I'm almost done.

Happy place, here I come!

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