Friday, July 19, 2024

My fridge is full of garbage while my freezer is full of Christmas

 I've been out of town the last four Fridays. Which means my garbage hasn't been picked up in a month. To be fair (to be fair), there wasn't much garbage to pick up because we've been out of town. 

However, in the last five weeks, we were home for about ten days. And in those ten days, we produced food waste - aka compost - which is picked up on garbage day.

Well, I wasn't going to just let that sit and rot on my kitchen counter until the next time we were going to be home on a garbage day. So, I put it in my refrigerator to keep it from smelling up the house and attracting bugs. 

But now, because my fridge is half full of beer (collected during said travels), the garbage takes up most of the remaining space. Indeed, there's a chicken carcass in my freezer. 

But speaking of my freezer, I also have an oversupply of Starbuck's Christmas Blend coffee. 

What? It was on sale! I couldn't help myself! Think of it as my version of Christmas in July.

I only have 159 days left to drink what's left of it (before it goes on sale again).

Meanwhile, the garbage goes out today. Not exactly Christmas but close.

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