Monday, July 22, 2024

Do I Have To?

 You know that voice inside your head reminding you that you should probably should exercise more? Ignore her.

With all our recent travel and the extreme heat at home, I've fallen out of my exercise routine which, under different circumstances, consists almost entirely of walking outdoors. I really like walking outdoors. I'll go for miles and miles and miles.

I don't tolerate heat well so it's somewhat paradoxical that I should live in a place where temperatures are easily over 90 degrees for half the year. Right now, in fact, it's over 90 degrees before the sun even comes up. It's just too hot to walk outdoors. Anywhere.

I could walk on a treadmill but that's boring. Besides, it's hard to keep an indoor routine going when we spend the summer traveling. Oh, I have several more flimsy excuses.

That's where that little voice comes in. She reminds me that it's not too hot to swim. In fact, it's a perfect time to swim. Just make a reservation at the pool and do it. Putting it on the calendar will be motivating.

I signed up for a swim lane at the pool. I have it for an entire hour. 

It worked. For a minute. But then I remembered.

I don't like to swim.

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