Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rallied the Troops

I scored a case of Girl Scout cookies that will get donated to the Bellevue location of the Puget Sound Blood Bank (now called Bloodworks NW) next weekend. Make your appointment now to donate blood or platelets while supplies last! I got the good stuff, too, after a friend was lured to donate by the promise of a cookie reward and was disappointed by the blood bank's offering. I hope you'll go back, Laurie, because I got 10 boxes of Samoas just for you!

Thanks to Debbie who helped me find a Girl Scout Troop with an inventory problem!

I'm taking a rare day off from work today. Lord knows I can't afford to this time of year but I needed the break. Not to mention, a shower. And sleep sounded like a good idea too. Made some time to save a life while I was at it. 

Do you think the blood bank knows my blood is highly caffeinated? If Starbucks could just hook up the other arm, I'd be all set. 

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