
Monday, January 6, 2014

Look Familiar?

It should because it looks just like my other coffee machine. But this one only cost me $75 on Craigslist. Oh, baby! 
I've been drinking bad coffee from a Mr. Coffee espresso maker for about a year. Yes, that's lunacy but I didn't want to pay a permanent price for a temporary situation. But enough was enough so I happened to browse for espresso makers and found the love of my life. Okay, second love of my life. (Okay, third.) I was giddy with excitement and threw all caution to the wind by responding to the ad with my name, email address, phone number, full price offer, assurance I could pay in cash and would pick it up immediately. (Do not attempt at home.)

The deal was struck (duh!) and we made arrangements to meet at a Starbucks (again, duh!) in Portland. Since we were going, I parlayed it into a dinner reservations with Hubby. (We ate at ¡Oba! which I can only describe as a flavor riot. I highly recommend it if you're in the area and are not a vegetarian, vegan, gluten free reindeer.)

I was so excited I could hardly stand it. I showered, shaved, and curled my hair. I was more exited to get my new coffee maker than I was for my dinner date. I nervously paced until it was time to go.

The last time I bought one of these (exact same model), it was about 10 years ago, if I had to guess. I don't remember how much I paid for it but it seemed like a lot of money at the time. ($300?) I figured I would make it back in about a year by making my lattes at home. I got my money's worth.

This time I figure it'll take me about a month. (Well, two since I'm here only half the time.)

And, this morning, I made my first cup of coffee from it. And it was so good, I had two.

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