
Thursday, February 13, 2025

The problem now is I lack motivation. How about an urban hike?

Without a goal, I'm pretty damned lazy. But with one, watch out. I'm committed as hell.

I got sick in January and, because of that, missed the half marathon I had been training for. I lazed around the house getting well but falling out of my exercise routine. As anyone knows, it's harder to start an exercise routine than it is to maintain one so I have been rather lax in getting back out there. 

  • "It's cold out there."
  • "I can do it later."
  • "I'm too busy."
  • "What for?"
These are examples of excuses I've been using. Also, when I walk longer distances (6 or more miles), I don't get anywhere because I generally confine my walks to the streets and trails in my own neighborhood. This can get a little boring.

Sometimes, I wonder about going somewhere. For example,
  • Old Town La Quinta is about 5 miles from where I live. This includes breakfast places, shops, restaurants, a brewery, and regular art and farmers markets - plenty of destinations. I have, in the past, walked the 10 miles round trip, stopping for a coffee along the way. (SilverRock Grill, along the way, is 4 miles and a nice stop for breakfast.)
  • Trilogy La Quinta is about 5.5 miles. Cafe Solaz is open for breakfast, lunch, and happy hour while Kitchen Ten Eleven is expected to open soon.
  • Downtown Indio is about 3 miles.
The point being, there are plenty of destinations within a reasonable walking distance (depending on your definition of "reasonable"). And, we - as in, a group of us - wouldn't have to walk both ways if we got other people to meet us there and drive us back. Exercise with a social carrot at the end.

There are other urban hikes such as El Paseo or parts of the CV Link but all of the ones mentioned above can be accessed from right from our own front doors.

I'm all for hiking. (I should really try to do more of it.) But even with hiking, you don't really get anywhere except to where you started from. You also have to drive to wherever it is you want to hike. What I like about urban hiking is it could really start from wherever you are.

I need some motivation. Anyone want to walk with me somewhere? 

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