
Thursday, January 16, 2025

What are my hobbies?

 This was a question my grandson posed one day. I started listing off the things I do. Namely, walking (training for a half marathon), learning Spanish and ASL, taking care of the house. All boring stuff. So boring, in fact, that I have nothing to say at a cocktail party. 

I never really have. Keep in mind, I was previously an accountant before I was a full time grandma. Not terribly interesting, unless I'm in a room full of other accountants.

As usual, the better response came to me several hours later. (Does that ever happen to you? The snappy, witty response never appears in the moment.) It was, "You. You are my hobby."

Alright. Maybe that's not snappy and witty but it's the truth. And, it's not full time but I do spend some time with the littles nearly every day driving them around because it's a lot. I don't know how parents could manage multiple kids' schedules without help.

I do those other things too. Walking, Spanish, etc. I started knitting a blanket once. It was meant to be a Christmas present. Three years ago.  

Maybe I could pick that up again. 

That would be a good hobby.

[Editor's note: Between the time I drafted and posted this, I did finish that blanket and started another one. And it is a good hobby.]

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