
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

It's not just me.

Everyone was, is, or will be sick.

Virus season roars back with "quad-demic" of illness (Axios)

The spread of influenza A, COVID and RSV is "high" or "very high" across much of the U.S. at the same time norovirus cases are well above normal levels, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and wastewater surveillance data shows.

If you click on the link to the article above, you will see a graphic that shows the Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report for the week of January 4-11 prepared by the CDC. It shows that the activity level of visits for respiratory illness that includes fever plus a cough or sore throat was high or very high for most of the country. If you go to the CDC website now, you will see that illness activity is down in many places (although still relatively high in California). 

Walgreens also has a flu index map which is compiled using retail prescription data for antiviral medications used to treat influenza across Walgreens locations nationwide. While both the CDC and Walgreens show improvements they also indicate that California had high rates of influenza this flu season.

Put it on your calendar now for next September or October:

  • Get a flu shot.
  • Inventory your cold and flu remedies and stock up. (Take old medicines to a Walgreens or other disposal kiosk.) 
  • Make sure the pantry and freezer are full of quick and easy meals. (Don't forget the chicken soup.)
  • Consider getting a puzzle or craft items to keep you busy in case you need to stay home.
  • Above all, try not to get sick in the first place. Consider digging out your COVID mask especially for times when flu activity is high. (Check the CDC and Walgreens for more information.)
Again, from Axios:

Saskia Popescu, a member of APIC's Emerging Infectious Diseases Task Force, told Axios.... "All of those mitigation efforts that you can do — washing your hands, covering your cough, cleaning, disinfection, being mindful of ventilation in shared spaces — that's all going to help."

Be well, people, and see you in the Spring. 

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