
Friday, January 10, 2025

Back to Square One

I'm not in the Grinch Onsie so maybe we're back to Square Two. I'm back to lounging around in sweats all day without a bra, however. 

I just came down with the "icks." I don't know exactly what I have or how long I'll have it but Hubby has been sick since Day One. By that, I mean January 1. So far he's been sick for all of 2025.

And now I have it. Whatever it is.

I'm on day two (meaning, I just started feeling icky yesterday) and my symptoms are mild: a little bit of a runny nose, a little bit of post nasal drip, and a little achey. Not bad enough to crack open the cold medicine (although I stocked up jic). But it is bad enough for me to disengage from society again. If I have what Hubby's been struggling with, things could get bad for a couple of days and I wouldn't want to give that to anyone.

One complication is that I'm signed up to do a half marathon in ten days. All training has ceased so I can concentrate my energy on getting healthy but I don't want to lay around long enough to lose all the progress of my training to date. 

It seems one or both of us get sick around this time of year which isn't too alarming since it's cold and flu season. It's also tourist where I live. Around the holidays, people from other parts of the country - many of whom traveled through crowded airports - make their way to the grocery stores and entertainment venues that surround us.

A few years ago, I was more sensitive about wearing a mask during trips to the store. Now, things have gotten more casual. Even when I go to the doctor's office, not everyone wears a mask - in a place where sick people go, as a general rule. 

NOTE TO SELF: Somewhere around Thanksgiving, start wearing a mask again. Self, you can take it off when the entire neighborhood is no longer quarantined due to the common freaking cold or whatever new virus is getting passed around.

It's not all bad, being mildly sick. It sort of extends my holiday vacation. Plus, I got the yarn for my next knitting project so I'm reasonably content.  I just don't want it to get worse and I need it to get better soon. I've got a half marathon to do!

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