
Friday, December 27, 2024

Writing Prompt

 I can't write unless I ignore EVERYTHING else. Which, is hard to do.

There's a laundry buzzer. Some paper on my desk that needs attention. My husband asked me a question that he can google just as well as I can. I have 10 open windows on two screens, two of which are email servers. I peeked at one - just one - and that created a To Do item. There are so many more lurking there.

One open tap is for the "word of the day" in ASL. Don't look! 

I have open tabs on my phone. Some are writing prompts but it's so easy to get distracted.

The writing prompt on Holidailies today was something about goals for the new year. Shit, I'm just trying to get through today!

[Editor's note: This was written at least a week ago. Since then, the Grinch suit has been washed, hung to dry, and put away for another year.]

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