
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All My Fault, Again

The Seahawks have been having such an incredible year so far. Good enough that I'm invited to watch the game. Last year, I was an unlucky talisman. If I so much as glanced at a Seahawks game, the other team would score.

It wasn't just me. Other people noticed. I was invited - as politely as possible - to get the fuck out! Even at social gatherings with friends and family, I was asked to sit by myself in a room outside of view or hearing of the game.

This year is different. I can wear my jersey - or not, or my lucky socks - or not, and they keep on winning.

Until. . . .

We have flagpole in our front yard with an American flag, and a Seahawks flag beneath. We came home one night and noticed the Seahawks flag was upside down. We thought someone had pulled a prank. Certainly, it couldn't have been upside down all season.

Or, could it?, someone asked me. You didn't put it right side up, did you?

We did.

And then, they lost.

So either it's our fault for righting the flag (It's only weird if it doesn't work) or the guy who turned it upside down screwed things up.

If the latter, beware. If the former, I'll be out of town for a while.

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