
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On School Closures

...if you're going to teach kids skills that will help them better their lives the first of such skills should be: Get your butt to work.

(Link to A Community snow on 76003.1414)

Pretty funny since this quote comes from the guru of Work Avoidance. And yet, while I am an admitted disciple, I agree. How am I supposed to Avoid Work when they don't even show up for it? Something is definitely wrong. We have apparently taught our children to Avoid Work. At all costs, it seems.

Well, not at all costs to them, although there are many which I have seen first hand. Seems their Avoidance is costing me as well. Not professionally. (We have a great crew this year.) But personally and publicly.

Every pendulum swings both ways. So their their kids are likely to be hard working and tell stories of how they survived the Great Recession. And they'll try to make their kids lives easier. And they'll complain about how the following generation is lazy, their hair too long, their music too loud.

And around we go.

1 comment:

  1. Well see? That's it. You don't have to work at work, but you have to go to work.

    And, about that music...

