
Saturday, December 1, 2018

This is as close to Christmas as it gets.

Today is the first Saturday since mid-September that I've been home with nothing on the calendar. To understand the significance, you have to understand just how much I schedule. I have ten trips scheduled in the next six months. Hair appointments, accordingly, are scheduled through May. I even schedule when I change the sheets because I can't remember when I changed them last.

It's just past noon and I'm still in my pajamas having finished my second cup of coffee in front of a fake yule log, with accompanying sounds provided by a YouTube video linked in by wifi. I suppose I could get more into the Christmas spirit by hauling out the decorations but I leave again in two weeks. Is it worth it? Perhaps I should don my Grinch onsie and think about it.

For the most part, I have everything I want with the exception of time. There's never enough time but I'm enjoying the time I have. Every second.

I'm glad to be back on Holidailies. Without it, I would just give up (blogging) and, in fact, have thought about doing just that. It comes down to time. And effort, and when that starts to feel like work it's no longer fun. Last year, I launched a second blog about beer and quickly found myself unqualified and outclassed by the true writers in the beer industry. I remain enthusiastic about the beer scene but my enthusiasm for beer writing has gone flat.

I'm hoping Hoilidailies will rekindle my interest in writing. (It certainly puts in on the schedule.) In the meantime, I need to figure out what to do with my day as I am unaccustomed to so much free time.

I'll let you know how that turns out.

1 comment:

  1. I interviewed the actress Marsha Mason ("The Goodbye Girl" ) a few years ago and this is what she told me: Everyone should write. It doesn't matter if you're an expert or a novice. It doesn't matter if you're perfect. It doesn't even matter if someone else has a similar life story. Your voice is your voice. Everyone should write."

    I think she had a valid point.

    Happy Holidailies.
