
Monday, February 27, 2017

In Case You Were Wondering

Oscar swag bags include, among other things:
  • Crayola My Way customized box of crayons
  • Dandi Patch underarm sweat patches
  • Elvie limited edition pelvic floor exercise tracker (and app) [limited edition!!]
  • Rest-Rite Sleep Positioner
  • SweetCheeks cellulite massage mats
... the fair market value of which is fully taxable to the celebrity receiving such swag, reported on Form 1099-MISC. (What is the fair market value of a cellulite massage mat anyway? Which begs the question . . . oh, never mind.)

Luckily, celebrities can afford to get help with their taxes. Although, I wonder how many of them use PriceWaterhouseCooper. . . . Accountants, like long snappers, don't really want to be in the news.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

It's a Matter of Law

Snuggies Are Blankets, Not Garments, For Tax Purposes

" The United States Court of International Trade recently decided this close question, ruling that Snuggies are blankets for import tax purposes. "

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Early Retirement

Robots Will Soon Do Your Taxes. Bye-Bye, Accounting Jobs
" Between accounting professionals and truck drivers alone, about 4.5 million human jobs could be ceded to robots over the next few years. "
Why not?

h/t Grump at 76003.1414

Monday, February 20, 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

Slippery slope?

We were out of town for several days recently and when we returned, we found one of our soap dispensers had leaked soap all over. It's not the first time this has happened but it's the only one in the house that does this.

Why the other ones don't leak in this manner - not even its identical twin - is beyond me but what I think is happening is this soap dispenser is acting as a barometer.
" When air on the outside of the container presses harder (has higher pressure) than the air on the inside, everything stays put. Once in a while, air on the outside of the container presses less (has lower pressure) than air on the inside of the container. When that happens, the air pressure inside the bottle is enough to literally push the soap up the neck of the dispenser and out onto the sink . . . ."
Sure enough, it rained heavily all week. Also, the dispenser is more than half empty meaning it's more than half full of air which maybe accounts for why it doesn't happen all the time. I don't know but the next time it leaks, I'll remember to carry an umbrella.