
Friday, December 4, 2015

Could be very useful during tax time!

Starbucks’ new delivery service in Seattle is fast, not perfect

You had me at "delivery."

My office used to face another office building. Every tax season I wondered what would happen if I put a sign in my window that read, "Help! Need latte!" Since I never tried it, I continue to wonder. And since my office moved to a window with a view of the parking lot, I'll never know.

At the main office, there two Starbucks within a five minute walk but during tax time, even that is an unacceptable amount of time to be away from my desk. Literally, I get fed there. I've thought about hanging a giant water bottle of the gerbil variety over my desk - you know, to go with the wheel - so I wouldn't even need to get up to get a glass of water but that would just create more frequent bathroom breaks. (As does coffee.) Maybe a pellet feeder that dispenses chocolate. Yeah, that would work.

My other office is about a mile away from the closest Starbucks along a busy road. Not pedestrian friendly. I've literally contemplated ordering an Uber driver to go fetch my latte for me. I have an app to place my coffee order and another one to order a car. Why not put them together on one app?

Thank you, Starbucks, for catching up but you only have a few months to work out the kinks and expand your service area because tax season is around the corner.

In the meantime, I'll pass on the turkey sandwich.

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