
Wednesday, December 12, 2012


To tell you the truth, I don't feel like writing. I've been writing in my journal. That's good. But I've dropped my novel. That's not so good. I think after thirty days and nights of writing (and then some), all I wrote was the back story. There's a hole in the plot in the middle and I haven't reached the end yet either.

I have 63,700 words of ... meh.

Oh, well. I plan to get back to it. After....

...which may be as good as "never" if you read my post yesterday. Right now, my priorities are to walk every day. And I have some goals at work that I'm focused on right now.

I've  walked seven days in a row and it feels good. Last year - or maybe it was the year before - I walked every day for about 150 days in a row before I missed a day. I'd like to do that again - see how many days in a row I can go.

The work project is quantifiable and has an end point before my next big project which won't start in earnest until mid-February. Theoretically, that gives me January to work on the novel some more.

So in answer to my question yesterday, that's what I'll be writing in January.

What about you?


  1. I'm right there with you. I did my 50k words in November and haven't touched it since. Some days I think it's "meh," other days I think it might have potential. But in the last 12 days, I just haven't been feeling it.
