Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Somewhere in Chapter Nine

“Okay, how about this? Potato chips have a bad rap as junk food.”

“That’s because they are.”

“I keep telling you. It’s not about reality. It’s about perception. They already try to get you to think it’s a healthy product by listing all the things that’s not in them - no MSG, no trans fat, no preservatives, et cetera - and all the things that could be potentially be good such as natural oils....”

“I notice you haven’t mentioned actual potatoes yet.”

“Exactly. I’m thinking about contacting the snack division of Condiment Conglomerate and pitching an idea for a new marketing strategy and it’s simple. Add ‘Made With Real Food Ingredients’ to the package. It’s vague but it implies there are potatoes in there. More importantly, it suggests their competitors don’t use potatoes or that their potatoes aren’t real. That suggestion alone is all you need for a competitive edge.”

“Why not add ‘Does Not Include Arsenic’ and suggest that it could be a cure for cancer?”

“Because, they probably do contain arsenic.”

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