
Friday, August 10, 2012


I have my sway on. In fact, can't turn the sway off. It's worst in the shower when I close my eyes but that's par for the course. It'll wear off after I get on land for a few days.

Yesterday, we cruised from Gig Harbor to Tacoma which was a relatively short cruise. The marina happens to be within walking distance from a Starbucks so that's where I am, getting a little WiFi to go along with my coffee, and hoping I'm not swaying so much on my bar stool as to attract attention (or fall off). The sway is countered by wave action so all I have to do is hike back to the boat for a reprieve.

Not much else to report. It's sunny. I'm drinking coffee. I'm swaying.

Still having trouble with one of the engines but we should be able to get home okay on one. We'll have to get that checked out when we get home. Sometimes, getting through the locks can be a little dicey - even on two engines - but we've been through on one engine before and I have a very capable Captain so I think we'll be okay.

The plan is to motor back to the Seattle area and spending the night somewhere in Elliott Bay. Bell Harbor is a marina right downtown but there's a Seahawks preseason game into town this weekend so we might not find space there. There's also Elliott Bay Marina, which features beautiful views and excellent restaurants, and Shilshole Marina, which is within walking distance to nice restaurants and is right outside the locks. Eagle Harbor is just across the way and inexpensive (also within walking distance of restaurants) so we have plenty of choices.

We're thinking we'll lock through tomorrow and spend a night on fresh water before putting everything away. Our traveling companions have to be back to work on Monday but we don't have to be back until Wednesday. Either we'll stay outside the locks for a couple more days or we'll spend a few nights on the hook in the lake. It's kind of a loose plan at this point.

A shout out to the Grump for capturing a picture of the Double Jack on the Gig Harbor webcam. I heard a rumor that the Midwest Bureau is on assignment somewhere nearby - or will be sometime soon. Travel safely!

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