
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bug Man

Orkin came back in another attempt to rid my house of ants. This time, the Bug Man brought the Red Box of Death. It was marked "Ants & Roaches." No hosed canister was present; we were beyond Ghost Buster remedies. He had no equipment other than a plastic box - the kind that might contain highly valuable stuff like living organs or nuclear secrets.

Or, poison filled syringes.

Yes, from the specially marked box he withdrew a syringe labeled with blue writing and filled with a clear liquid or goo. A few squirts and he was gone with this message: Just leave them alone. Ignore them and they will go away.

They would be much easier to ignore if I didn't have to live with them in the meantime. It's difficult to ignore them when they're on my counter tops and impossible to ignore when they're actually on me! How much must I endure? The ants swarmed to the goo. How am I supposed to ignore that? But I did. I turned my back on them and gave them the cold shoulder. I even left the room. 

Ignore-ants may truly be bliss for this morning the ants were few. One crawled across my husband's arm but after a short burst of cursing, we went back to torturing the ants with the silent treatment.

Now, it's but a game of patie-ants.

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