
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Speaking of Sock Escapes

Now that you mention it, there's something going on in my laundry room. My socks are no longer trying to escape. Odd, no?

Instead, foreign socks are using my laundry basket as a cloaking device, if you will, in order to get smuggled out of the laundry room and into my apartment. Isn't someone supposed to be defending my borders? Isn't there some sort of fence to keep these foreign socks out?

The first one almost got away with it, too. It was a solo but I figured its mate was about somewhere and put it in the drawer. Just like that, it was there - with all my other socks! It was a full week later - probably the next laundry day - before I noticed there was something different about this sock. It wasn't mine!

I returned it to the laundry room and it wasn't long before it disappeared again. I don't know where it ultimately went and I don't want to know. In fact, I'll deny that I ever saw it in the first place.

But, before I knew it, it happened again! This time, it was a pair and I noticed them right away. Well, not before they made it back to my apartment but at least they didn't make it as far as my drawer. Close call!

I deported them straight back to the laundry room and unceremoniously dumped them on top of the dryer. I'll never know what became of them but sometimes I wonder if they're okay, if I did the right thing. On the other hand, they didn't belong here and it's better that I don't get involved.

So, next time, I'm calling the authorities. Or maybe the Computer Science Division at UC Berkeley.

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